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Friend Request

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Feb 26, 2024

Margaux Forster is a yoga teacher, mental health advocate, and future therapist. She discusses growing up as the child of an immigrant parent and the cultural differences that brought with it. Margaux also talks about struggling with control and perfectionism and how that manifested in her younger life. She then...

Feb 19, 2024

Courtney Davis is a career counselor, graduate student, and future therapist. She discusses growing up in the suburbs of Chicago before moving to the Northeast. Courtney also discusses how she viewed her older sister and the effect that had on her mental health and eating habits. She then discusses having major...

Feb 12, 2024

Ryann Swann is a graduate student, future counselor, and former soccer star. She discusses growing up as a shy kid and how she took to playing in the woods when others were staying inside. Ryann also talks about playing soccer for her entire life until grad school and how she shows up very differently on a team than she...

Feb 5, 2024

Jacob Bellamy is a mental healthcare worker, professional cheesecake maker, and future therapist. He discusses growing up as the quiet kid and struggling to build a social circle. Jacob also talks about self-awareness and how he decided he had enough and sought out help. He the ndiscusses the ins and outs of how he...